Meet Sarah Stacey!
Introducing Tuscan Sun at kimberley's new nurse practitioner

My name is Liz and I am the Marketing Assistant for the Tuscan Sun family of spas, salons and medical spas. I recently sat down for a candid interview with Sarah Stacey, Tuscan Sun at Kimberley’s new nurse practitioner, where we covered everything from traveling the world to working with Botox! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed getting to know the newest member of our Tuscan Sun family!
Hi Sarah! Welcome to Tuscan Sun! Let's start off easy, shall we? Where are you from?
Hi! Well, I’m from Saratoga Springs. I was born in Vermont and I grew up in Maine, but we moved to Saratoga Springs when I was 15, so that to me is home. My family still lives there and now I’m raising my kids there. Saratoga is great. I love it.
I was able to visit Saratoga Springs last Fall and it was absolutely beautiful! I need to go back so I can experience all it has to offer!
Come back and visit! Mi casa es su casa.
I have that on record.
My name is Sarah Stacey and I mean it (laughs).
What inspired you to go into nursing?
My genuine interest drew me into it. It’s the person I was meant to be. I was always studious and I loved science and art. When I was 20 years old, I thought you were suppose to travel the world. So I did! I was in Spain for five years, I lived in Mexico for a couple of years, and then I came home in my late twenties. I loved learning, but I knew I needed to do something career-wise. I’d always been into health and spas since I was a teenager. I mean, at 17 years old, I would ask for massages as a gifts! I remember traveling to Rome and Bath to learn about health and spas. That’s just always been something that I loved and it’s something everyone can benefit from. Once I was home, I was volunteering on an ambulance crew and my friend said, “Why are you just volunteering? Why not become a nurse?” That was my a-ha moment. So, I became a nurse.
Sounds like it was meant to be! Where did you go to school?
I received my bachelors and masters from SUNY Polytechnic Institute and became a nurse practitioner through SUNY Adirondack. I am also a third of the way through my doctorate at SUNY Buffalo; however, I have put my doctorate on hold, as I have an 8 year old and 10 year old. Their school comes first.
Absolutely. That doctorate isn't going anywhere!
I’ll get it eventually. I love learning. I’m a lifelong learner. I feel that, in this industry, if you are not researching, changing and figuring out what is the best natural approach to softening aging, than you are not doing yourself or your clients due diligence. We must continue to learn how to excel so that it benefits all of us in the end.
What are your credentials?
I am board certified by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and I am certified in Botox and fillers.
What do you specialize in?
Injectables. As with any great practitioner, you learn as you go. I realized that as a nurse, Botox and filler would be great additions to my skillset. I love working with needles, which is funny because I was always afraid of them when I was growing up, so I understand how some people may feel.
That is very interesting. You've essentially taken your fear and mastered it through perseverance and education. You understand any trepidation your patients may have, and you have the compassion to give your patients.
Yes, I have the empathy to coach someone through it.
What made you choose to have a career with Tuscan Sun?
I wanted to join a group of people in the wellness industry not just as an injector, but also with the other tools I have amassed to help clients with their esthetic wellness goals in the setting of a spa. I love that Tuscan Sun has so much to offer their clients on both an external and internal level. I wanted to be part of a team that offers the depth of services that all humans need. It’s not just about freezing a smile line. Tuscan Sun has so much more to offer in such a beautiful setting.
Well, we couldn't be more happy to have you as part of the family! Tell us a little more about you. Describe yourself in a few words.
Energetic. Curious. Grateful. Creative. Although my daughter would say I’m amazing. It’s her new favorite adjective. Everything is amazing.
Those were amazing answers. (Laughs) Sorry, couldn't help myself. What do you like to do for fun?
I am raising an 8 year old and 10 year old. The other day, my colleague asked me out of all the different jobs I have had, what was/is my favorite. I said being a mom. It’s awesome. Is it hard work? Yes, but you can still have a fun time. I also love swimming, dancing and being outside. I am voracious reader. I have a busy life. I love being a mom and I love my work, but sometimes I have to just tap out of the noise. I value reflective time so I make time for meditation. You know, smelling the roses. It’s important to take a day to sit back and think of how great life is. My idea of a vacation – if we are just talking about me and not my kids – is a silent retreat in the mountains in the Berkshires. I very much value just being alive. I think it’s super important.
So true! Most people do not take the time to reflect and just be thankful. You allow for it, and hopefully people reading this will be inspired to take a moment and just be.
It’s important to put yourself on your to-do list.
You already have an enviable passport, but what other destinations are on your bucket list?
This may be selfish, but I heard Celine Dion is going to Croatia next spring. I saw her once before and she is an incredible artist. So that’s on the list. My daughter was meditating the other day and said her intention was to go to Paris. So that is also on the list. I will never stop traveling.
Celine in Croatia?
Yes. You can’t beat that combo.
No you can't. Let's end on this question. How would you like to be remembered?
Our job is to leave the world a better place and to have fun while we do it. It’s a lot of giving and a lot loving – and that’s including yourself! Everyone should do their part. We all can come up with creative fixes and have a great time doing it. We can all make something beautiful.
That is very inspirational.
I really love where life has taken me. I’ve been reflecting on it. Being able to be part of Tuscan Sun (and I know this sounds cliché and I don’t care) is like a dream come true. I’ve put myself out there. I’ve been honing my skills. I’ve been doing my work. I’ve been listening to people and learning how to take care of them, and now I get to go do this with an amazing group of people. I’m super excited.
We are too! Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. Do you have anything else to add?
Love each other and wear a hat!
Who doesn't love a hat?
What can I say? I’m from Saratoga Springs. We are famous for our hats.
Sarah is available for appointments every Tuesday beginning July 18th, 2023. Reserve your Botox and Semaglutide consultations today!
And don't forget our current Medspa specials!